Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Prayers Tuesday, January 27

Good Morning Sunshine!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for Prayer today!! And I'm thankful for my Brother!! Unbeknownst to me, my Brother put out a S.O.S prayer request on Facebook last night for myself and my mother.  I am overwhelmed by the response!! Truly humbled, touched and honored by people's willingness to pray for us, even if we are strangers.

  Our mom had been going through some stomach problems for many months and we couldn't get her to see the doctor. Then I started having pain episodes in my low abdomen which caused me to double over and barely walk for a couple of days. I went to 6 different doctors including the emergency room (where I got a CT scan) and a specialist (who said it was just muscle spasms). Nobody would do an ultrasound. Finally, I asked my chiropractor to order me one and he did. I needed to see my ob/gyn asap, who I had already seen and she wasn't helpful. Thank God for my clients who are more like friends!! One client is friends with her doctor, she asked if I needed her to Call In a favor,  I said Yes Please!!  This doctor was on call over Christmas and was able to give me a phone consultation. She said she would have her office call me to set up an ultrasound and appointment. I saw her a few weeks later and she determined that I require surgery. I have a baseball size dermoid cyst that is growing quickly and twisting my ovary.  She may have to remove the ovary and my appendix, as it is inflamed as well.  

Meanwhile, we continued to encourage our mom to see her doctors. Finally, she did make an appointment and they drained two liters of fluid off of her stomach.  2 liters!!  Wow, well that's why she was having trouble!! They also had her get a CT scan and ultrasound. Now, she has been sent to a specialist. That appointment is tomorrow.  There will be more tests before we can know for sure what is going on.  We are trying to stay positive.

  With all this said, maybe I had to go through what I went through to encourage my mom to go get help too.  We never know when we share our story, how it can influence another person in a positive way.  Since going through all of this and talking about my frustration to my clients, I've had several of them say that my story reminds them to get their regular check up that they have been putting off. So if you're reading this and looking for a sign that you need to see a doctor or get another opinion, this is it!  Go Do It!! By the time I have surgery the cyst may be even bigger. So if I hadn't prayed through all of this, I don't know if I would have been led to seek out so many different opinions.

  This experience has definitely changed my life. A workaholic that wasn't interested in having children is who I used to be. Now, I'm no longer working such long hours and I'm looking forward to being a Mom someday. Sometimes, God has to bring us to our knees in order to change our lives.  May your day be filled with people who will Pray for you, doctors who Listen to you and the ability to Listen when you are nudged to seek another opinion. Happy Tuesday!! 

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