Friday, January 2, 2015

Fabulous Friday, Jan 2

Good Morning Campers from Camp Sunnyside!!  What are you Thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the movie Good Morning Vietnam.  If you haven't seen it, please do so. When Robin Williams character says Good Morning Vietnam every time he's on the radio, that's what I hear as I write these posts. Why do I address you as "Campers"?? It's a fun way to address my friends, family, followers instead being formal by saying everyone, I thought Campers would be Fun... And campy!!  ( Lol  pun intended) 
I use "Camp Sunnyside" as I had a roommate, back in the day, who used to jump on my bed at 6am and say Good morning at Camp Sunnyside. She did it just to pester me since she was awake to go to work and I was still asleep.  It was funny and annoying but it stuck with me.  As I started posting on social media, I decided to use from Camp Sunnyside as wherever location  I am.  Hearing it and saying it makes me Happy. That is when I made a choice that wherever I am,  I can be Happy!! And from time to time,  I will use "Sunshine" to address you. There a very specific reason for that... Ever had a rough patch in life,  and then one morning, you notice the Sun has risen and shining brightly?? That's the best metaphor for life... No matter what happens, where you are, how you feel,  the sun will rise the next morning and we get another opportunity to Start Again. That's how I feel when I address you as "Sunshine" you may have had a rough patch and you need a reminder that the sun will rise in the morning to allow you to  Start Again. With all that said, I am thankful that GooMorning Vietnam stayed with me and shaped me to be who I am.  I'm thankful for my old roommate who made me laugh on a daily basis.  Most of All,  I am thankful that the Sun rises every day and we get a chance to Start Again!! May your day be filled with people who impact you by making you think and by making you laugh!! Also,  May the Sun rise for you to Start Again!! Happy Fabulous Friday!!

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