Monday, January 5, 2015

Music Monday January 5

Good Morning Campers!! What are you Thankful for today?  I'm thankful for Music! Music is Powerful. Think about how much we listen to music. Working out, in the car, school, church, home, work, with ear buds in or for everyone to hear.  Sometimes the song is exactly what we needed to hear to lift our spirits or match our mood. Music is powerful. Ever hear a song and it takes you back to a certain time of your life? For me, its Boys II men Motownphilly for Senior year drill team.  I can go right back there and almost remember the dance moves that we did.  Is there any song like that for you?  Maybe it's the song from your prom that you danced with your crush. Or it's the song from your wedding. It can even be the song that was played at your loved one's funeral. Music stays in your memory and brings you back to that time where you once were.  Think about how powerful that is!! Music fills up quiet space in the background for most people. In my career, music has always played in the background. I'm so used to it, that sometimes I don't even hear the music until my favorite song is on and through all the other noise, I can hear it clearly.  Music is powerful. Music can drown out all the other stuff that is swirling around in our heads and create a calm, peaceful atmosphere for us. I hope that this post has caused you to remember some great memories from the songs from your life. May your day be filled with music that feeds your soul, allows fun memories to come back and transcends you to a great time in your life. Happy Music Monday!! 

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