Monday, January 12, 2015

Mentor Monday, January 12

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for my Mentors!!  Do you have a mentor??  There was a time when I had several, they were also my bosses. And then as I cut ties with that company, I didn't know anyone. As of today, I can think of the many Mentors that I have in my life. A Mentor is a wise and trusted teacher and counselor.  A few years ago, I realized that I didn't have people who I would call a mentor, I had peers and friends.  Which is still a great thing to have, however, I wanted someone who I could lean on, run ideas past and someone who would give me constructive feedback. I didn't want who was going to tell me what I wanted to hear, I wanted wise and trusted advice!! So how did I find mentors?  I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to networking events.  I met people. I shared my wise and trusted advice. I shared ideas with complete strangers. Which for me was extremely hard to do at the time. It's called practice.  You won't get any better unless you continue to practice. Next thing, I started setting up coffee meetings so I can pick their brains even more on my projects and ideas and they can pick mine.  If you had asked me what a mentor looked like before this last year, I would have described an old professor type person.  Well guess what, a couple of my mentors are younger than me!! They are truly Wise beyond their years. There goes my preconceived notion out the window! What I've learned through all I've done is Most People have Potential to be a Mentor. Most people want to share their experiences. Most people, who share your common interests, are willing to help any way they can as long as you reciprocate. The great thing about finding a Mentor, you have to reach out and Become a Mentor to someone else  first. Then you've shared a common bond and you know you can lean on each other when one of you need it the most.  May your Day be filled with someone who you can be an example for,  someone who you can Mentor and someone who is able to Mentor to you.  Happy Mentor Monday!!  

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