Friday, January 23, 2015

Friends Friday, January 23

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for all the Friends I have made over my lifetime!! I may not talk to or connect with or see some of these friends. And yet I know I can call one of them and we will pick up where we left off last time.  Do you have people like that?  Maybe you grew up with them or worked with them or knew them from the gym or church.  Typically, Good people will always be good people!! Hold onto that those friendships and try not to let them fade. I've had some friends since elementary school, cosmetology college and salons that I've worked with for over 17 years ago.  Can you recall your friendships from back then?  Maybe this is the time to reach out to them and reconnect. When thinking about this,  who first comes to your mind??  Maybe it's time for you to reach out and say Hello, how are you? It could just make their day and it could definitely make your day!!  You never know, they may have been thinking about you. May your Day full of Friends that are Diamonds and may you connect with them this weekend!!  Happy Friday!!  

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