Sunday, January 4, 2015

Soulful Sunday Jan 4

Good Morning Sunshine!! It is Soulful Sunday!! What are you Thankful for today?  I'm thankful for all the ways that I have found to Fuel My Soul. What fuels your soul?? For me, it's going to museums, playing with pets, good coffee, traveling, live music, laughing, going to church, sharing ideas with other entrepreneurs and sharing fitness tips with other like minded people.  This past year I tried to fuel my soul on a regular basis and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. And when it didn't, I felt the stress pile on. As we run from one thing to another every day, we forget to fuel up ourselves. We fuel up our cars, change the oil and put air in the tires on a regular basis.  Some cars even have lights to tell us to do so. However,  we don't have a warning light that we need to have an oil change (or in our case a scenery change)!! Ask yourself what is your warning?  Stress, frustration, crankiness can be warning signs saying that your soul needs some fuel!!  Get to it quickly before you fall apart!!  As a society, we are progressing to doing more, more more.  Well, take a moment to listen to what your soul needs, fuel it up before it's too late and you break down on the side of the road. And then when you see someone else who may need to fuel their soul, encourage them to do so. You may have saved them from a major malfunction!!  May your day be filled with ways to Fuel your Soul and be thankful that you did before a malfunction happens!! Happy Soulful Sunday!!   

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