Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Networking Wednesday January, 7

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Networking. Networking is defined as a supportive system of sharing information among people having a common interest.  Have you heard of 1 Million Cups? Here's a link to it 1 Million Cups   It is a great platform for Entrepreneurs to present their business concepts to other entrepreneurs and receive feedback.  Perhaps an investor is there to offer an opportunity or another business person who has a similar idea and can collaborate. All of this happens in cities across the world on Wednesday mornings during which time, free coffee is being offered. It is a wonderful way to network for the greater good of business.
 Networking for the Greater Good. We can All benefit from that!! For an example, yesterday, I had two clients in my space and as one had been explaining her recent family trauma, the other one speaks up and says she been through the same experience with her family years ago and now things are so much better. She gave a gift to her. She gave her the Gift of Hope, just by networking. Ever go through something and you tell a friend and they say that they know the person that can help you?? Then that friend shares with you contact information of someone who can help. That is why we are put here on this planet together. To help one another. To extend a hand to someone who needs help or encouragement or to someone who needs advice on a project. That's what networking is really about. And then it always comes back to you. If you have empowered someone else by your encouragement or advice or help, you will receive back the same when you need it. Think about how different the world would look if we looked at each other as everyone had a piece of knowledge that we needed to propel us into the next step. Each one of us has a story. And each of us can learn from each other's story. So next time you're in the position of having an opportunity to empower someone else, Go For It!! When you Empower Others, you also Empower Yourself!! It all starts with networking for the greater good. May your day be filled with awesome people to network with who will provide you with wonderful advice, help or encouragement so that you can reach back and extend your hand to the person behind you next time. Happy Networking Wednesday!!

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