Friday, January 16, 2015

Forgiveness Friday January 16

Good Morning Campers!! What are you #thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Forgiveness!! I'm thankful for All the people I've been angry with in my life, I have truly Forgiven them. I'm thankful for them helping me see I needed to Forgive!! When we don't forgive, we become bitter. When we become bitter,  we habor resentment. And when we hold on to resentment,  it turns into hate. Then we no longer have a small anger issue, we have a hate problem. Is there someone who you need to forgive?? I had a long list of people that I was angry with, I was bitter and was moving into resentment when I decided to stop.  I made a list of all these people and I prayed for forgiveness about each situation. And I prayed that I forgave myself.  My anger disappeared!! Maybe there is someone who you need to forgive before it's too late. May your day be filled with Forgiveness!! Happy Forgiveness Friday!!

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