Saturday, January 24, 2015

Community Saturday,January 24

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for my #Community!!  We all belong to many Communities.  It could your family, school, work, church, city, gym,  social media, networking and neighborhoods. All of these things create Community.  By definition, community is a group of people with shared characteristics.  Let's say We all share the Human characteristics, so just by reading this, you belong to a Community.  One great thing about Community is when you're going through a rough time or need some help, people Show Up!! Ever have a loved one pass or have surgery or have a baby?? People will bring you food!! How awesome is that!!? That's why we're here on Earth together, to help each other out!! I'm thankful that I have several Communities that I can turn to in a time of need.

Communities are built as place to come as you are and they accept you.  It's human nature to want to be a part of a Community. If you are reading this and don't believe you belong somewhere, that's not true. You just have to find your community. You may have to step out of your comfort zone and be there for someone else who needs it before you can feel part of it. That's how life works sometimes.  The thing we want the most, we may have to create it ourselves.  If you're feeling isolated and alone, you can conquer it by stepping forward and jumping into a community somewhere. And then repeat again and again.  Be open, you will be surprised at how a Community forms around you. Then you can reach back and encourage someone else to step out, step forward and jump into a Community. 

May your Day be filled with people who make you feel like you belong and that you're a part of the Greater Good Community. By reading this, you took the first step, you are a part of my Community!! Happy Saturday!!  

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