Sunday, January 18, 2015

Inspiration Sunday, January 18

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for All the Inspiration at our fingertips!!  Ever look at Instagram and search Inspiration?  There are millions of Inspirational pictures for Fitness goal, quotes for Business goals and quotes for everyday Life. While recovering from knee surgery, I would look at these posts to stay motivated to heal and get back to the gym. It worked for me.  Also during this time,  I found a great blog for business inspiration.  It says to always go for your dreams or you'll be making someone else's dreams come true...what a true statement!!  While doing all of this I realized, as a society, we don't really have many actual inspirational people. Tony Robbins is an exception.  Who else inspires you??  I read. I search. And devour information on inspiring people for me, whether it's fitness, business or every day life.  And do you know what I've learned?? They have gone through some rough times too!! No one is Exempt from the rough patches of life.  There are people who look like they never had a bad day in their lives...Wrong!!  We All have bad stuff to go through.  Another thing I learned reading about them, they didn't allow those rough patches make them into a victim and throw a pity party every day.  They got up, got out of their comfort zone and stepped forward!!  Then they reached back to inspire others!! That Is the true meaning of life... Go through tough times, then reach back to inspire others when it's their turn.  I say, Don't be me, Learn from me, then go and Become better than me, then reach back and Inspire someone to be better than you!!  May your day be filled with people who Inspire you and an opportunity to Inspire someone else!!  Happy Inspiration Sunday!!   

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